The “Top chef” contestants, Antonio Arrabal and Miguel Cobo are the latest additions to the Araven ColorClip 20 anniversary celebrations.
The Aragonese company, Araven, engaged in the marketing of organisation and storage items both for domestic and for professional use, continues with the 20 Anniversary celebration activities of its traditional ColorClip, with which it is present in the best kitchens in the world.
To celebrate this, it has improved the product by making it more transparent and dressing its famous airtight container up in gold. Araven is giving away this limited edition of the airtight container to its most important customers and collaborators, all over the world.
One of the initiatives includes the signature of the most prestigious chefs in the world on a limited edition of the popular airtight container. The “Top Chef” contestants, Antonio Arrabal and Miguel Cobo, expressed their desire to join in with the anniversary celebrations of Araven’s mythical product and have stamped their signature on the 20 Anniversary Gold Airtight containers, together with other well-known chefs.
These young experts take part in Antena 3’s cooking program , whose members of the jury include great masters of the kitchen, such as Alberto Chicote, Susana Diaz and Angel Leon.