Food Safety Regulations 


Food safety does not only depend on the state of the food and the type of process that it is subjected to. The materials that food comes into contact with are also very important. Araven products comply and help to comply with all the required regulations regarding food hygiene. We can guarantee food safety in all food preparation processes up-to service, providing best practice and hygiene are observed.

Reglamento de la UE 1169/ 2011 de información alimentaria facilitada al consumidor

El 3 de diciembre de 2014 entró en vigor el Reglamento de la UE 1169/ 2011 de información al consumidor, que ha introducido cambios importantes en la información que los operadores alimentarios deben proporcionar a sus clientes en materia de alérgenos. Las reacciones alérgicas pueden ser muy graves y, en ocasiones, causar hasta la muerte. Actualmente, no hay un tratamiento efectivo para las alergias alimentarias por lo que la única forma de evitar que una persona las sufra es asegurarse de que no consuma los alimentos a los que es alérgica.

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Traceability in kitchens

At ARAVEN we want to help you understand the Traceability concept and its implications in the entire food chain to achieve optimal food hygiene and safety in your establishment.

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All plastic materials that are in contact with food are subject to Regulation (UE) 10/2011, which establishes the limitations to substance migrations in plastic materials.

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What are the Gastronorm measurements?

GastroNorm measurements are standard so they allow us to make maximum use of the space in the kitchen.

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The National Sanitation Foundation is an independent organization that carries out tests to certify compliance with established criteria in relation to design, construction and evaluation of the materials and performance tests. &amp;nbsp <div class="field field-name-field-descripcion field-type-text-long field-label-hidden"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item even"></div> </div> </div> &nbsp; <div class="field field-name-field-descripcion field-type-text-long field-label-hidden"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item even"></div> </div> </div>

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HACCP Hazard analysis and critical control points

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points, is a systematic preventive process to guarantee food safety

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