[0] => Array
[id] => 107768
[titulo] => GN 1/1 Airtigth lid
[content] => The GastroNorm 1/1 airtight lids are bi-injection moulded with rubber seal to ensure maximum protection of foodstuff even in large containers.
[thumbnail] =>
[medidaTemp] => 530x325x22
[gastronorm] => GN 1/1
[capacidad] => 0
[altura] => 0
[colorTemp] => Translucido
[clases] => med_530x325x22 col_translucido gastro_gn-1-1
[gastronormOrdenar] => GN 1/1
[capacidadOrdenar] => 1.0E+20
[alturaOrdenar] => 1.0E+20
[colorTempOrdenar] => Translucido
[1] => Array
[id] => 107776
[titulo] => GN 1/2 Airtigth lid
[content] => The GastroNorm 1/2 airtight lids are bi-injection moulded with rubber seal to ensure maximum protection of foodstuff even in large containers.
[thumbnail] =>
[medidaTemp] => 325x265x22
[gastronorm] => GN 1/2
[capacidad] => 0
[altura] => 0
[colorTemp] => Translucido
[clases] => med_325x265x22 col_translucido gastro_gn-1-2
[gastronormOrdenar] => GN 1/2
[capacidadOrdenar] => 1.0E+20
[alturaOrdenar] => 1.0E+20
[colorTempOrdenar] => Translucido
[2] => Array
[id] => 107784
[titulo] => GN 1/3 Airtigth lid
[content] => The GastroNorm 1/3 airtight lids are bi-injection moulded with rubber seal to ensure maximum protection of foodstuff even in large containers.
[thumbnail] =>
[medidaTemp] => 325x176x22
[gastronorm] => GN 1/3
[capacidad] => 0
[altura] => 0
[colorTemp] => Translucido
[clases] => med_325x176x22 col_translucido gastro_gn-1-3
[gastronormOrdenar] => GN 1/3
[capacidadOrdenar] => 1.0E+20
[alturaOrdenar] => 1.0E+20
[colorTempOrdenar] => Translucido
[3] => Array
[id] => 107792
[titulo] => GN 1/4 Airtigth lid
[content] => The GastroNorm 1/4 airtight lids are bi-injection moulded with rubber seal to ensure maximum protection of foodstuff even in large containers.
[thumbnail] =>
[medidaTemp] => 265x162x22
[gastronorm] => GN 1/4
[capacidad] => 0
[altura] => 0
[colorTemp] => Translucido
[clases] => med_265x162x22 col_translucido gastro_gn-1-4
[gastronormOrdenar] => GN 1/4
[capacidadOrdenar] => 1.0E+20
[alturaOrdenar] => 1.0E+20
[colorTempOrdenar] => Translucido
[4] => Array
[id] => 107800
[titulo] => GN 1/6 Airtigth lid
[content] => The GastroNorm 1/6 airtight lids are bi-injection moulded with rubber seal to ensure maximum protection of foodstuff even in large containers.
[thumbnail] =>
[medidaTemp] => 176x162x22
[gastronorm] => GN 1/6
[capacidad] => 0
[altura] => 0
[colorTemp] => Translucido
[clases] => med_176x162x22 col_translucido gastro_gn-1-6
[gastronormOrdenar] => GN 1/6
[capacidadOrdenar] => 1.0E+20
[alturaOrdenar] => 1.0E+20
[colorTempOrdenar] => Translucido
[5] => Array
[id] => 106507
[titulo] => GN 1/9 Airtight lid
[content] => The GastroNorm 1/9 airtight lids are bi-injection moulded with rubber seal to ensure maximum protection of foodstuff even in large containers.
[thumbnail] =>
[medidaTemp] => 176x108x20
[gastronorm] => GN 1/9
[capacidad] => 0
[altura] => 0
[colorTemp] => Translucido
[clases] => med_176x108x20 col_translucido gastro_gn-1-9
[gastronormOrdenar] => GN 1/9
[capacidadOrdenar] => 1.0E+20
[alturaOrdenar] => 1.0E+20
[colorTempOrdenar] => Translucido

GN 1/1 Airtigth lid

GN 1/2 Airtigth lid

GN 1/3 Airtigth lid

GN 1/4 Airtigth lid

GN 1/6 Airtigth lid

GN 1/9 Airtight lid