[0] => Array
[id] => 105311
[titulo] => GN 1/1 h.150mm / 6″ 20,5 l./ 22,2qt Anti allergic polypropylene airtight containers
[content] => Anti allergic polypropylene airtight container identifies and differentiates from the rest of the containers, food for customers with allergies or food intolerances, in order to separate and protect it from possible contamination by substances that may be trigger an allergic reaction. Correct identification will avoid any inadvertent intake of such foods by this risk group. The special permanent label is to identify the allergen on Araven’s airtight container, preserving food with every guarantee for customers who suffer food allergies or intolerances. In addition to the total tightness of these airtight containers, they are specially designed to preserve and protect foods from any risk of contagion and cross-contamination by food allergens.
[thumbnail] =>
[medidaTemp] => 530x325x150
[gastronorm] => GN 1/1
[capacidad] => 20.5
[altura] => 0
[colorTemp] => Morado
[clases] => med_530x325x150 col_morado cap_20-5 capoz_22-2-qt gastro_gn-1-1
[gastronormOrdenar] => GN 1/1
[capacidadOrdenar] => 20.5
[alturaOrdenar] => 1.0E+20
[colorTempOrdenar] => Morado
[1] => Array
[id] => 110259
[titulo] => GN 1/2 h.150mm / 6″ 10 l./ 10,5qt Anti allergic polypropylene airtight containers
[content] => GN 1/2 h.150mm / 6" 10 l./ 10,5qt Anti allergic polypropylene airtight container identifies and differentiates from the rest of the containers, food for customers with allergies or food intolerances, in order to separate and protect it from possible contamination by substances that may be trigger an allergic reaction. Correct identification will avoid any inadvertent intake of such foods by this risk group. The special permanent label is to identify the allergen on Araven’s airtight container, preserving food with every guarantee for customers who suffer food allergies or intolerances. In addition to the total tightness of these airtight containers, they are specially designed to preserve and protect foods from any risk of contagion and cross-contamination by food allergens.
[thumbnail] =>
[medidaTemp] => 325x265x150
[gastronorm] => GN 1/2
[capacidad] => 10
[altura] => 0
[colorTemp] => Morado
[clases] => med_325x265x150 col_morado cap_10 capoz_10-5-qt gastro_gn-1-2
[gastronormOrdenar] => GN 1/2
[capacidadOrdenar] => 10
[alturaOrdenar] => 1.0E+20
[colorTempOrdenar] => Morado
[2] => Array
[id] => 110267
[titulo] => GN 1/3 h.150mm / 6″ 6 l./ 6,3qt Anti allergic polypropylene airtight containers
[content] => GN 1/3 h.150mm / 6" 6 l./ 6,3qt Anti allergic polypropylene airtight container identifies and differentiates from the rest of the containers, food for customers with allergies or food intolerances, in order to separate and protect it from possible contamination by substances that may be trigger an allergic reaction. Correct identification will avoid any inadvertent intake of such foods by this risk group. The special permanent label is to identify the allergen on Araven’s airtight container, preserving food with every guarantee for customers who suffer food allergies or intolerances. In addition to the total tightness of these airtight containers, they are specially designed to preserve and protect foods from any risk of contagion and cross-contamination by food allergens.
[thumbnail] =>
[medidaTemp] => 325x176x150
[gastronorm] => GN 1/3
[capacidad] => 6
[altura] => 0
[colorTemp] => Morado
[clases] => med_325x176x150 col_morado cap_6 capoz_6-3-qt gastro_gn-1-3
[gastronormOrdenar] => GN 1/3
[capacidadOrdenar] => 6
[alturaOrdenar] => 1.0E+20
[colorTempOrdenar] => Morado
[3] => Array
[id] => 110275
[titulo] => GN 1/4 h.150mm / 6″ 4,3 l./ 4,5qt Anti allergic polypropylene airtight containers
[content] => GN 1/4 h.150mm / 6" 4,3 l./ 4,5qt Anti allergic polypropylene airtight container identifies and differentiates from the rest of the containers, food for customers with allergies or food intolerances, in order to separate and protect it from possible contamination by substances that may be trigger an allergic reaction. Correct identification will avoid any inadvertent intake of such foods by this risk group. The special permanent label is to identify the allergen on Araven’s airtight container, preserving food with every guarantee for customers who suffer food allergies or intolerances. In addition to the total tightness of these airtight containers, they are specially designed to preserve and protect foods from any risk of contagion and cross-contamination by food allergens.
[thumbnail] =>
[medidaTemp] => 265x162x150
[gastronorm] => GN 1/4
[capacidad] => 4.3
[altura] => 0
[colorTemp] => Morado
[clases] => med_265x162x150 col_morado cap_4-3 capoz_4-5-qt gastro_gn-1-4
[gastronormOrdenar] => GN 1/4
[capacidadOrdenar] => 4.3
[alturaOrdenar] => 1.0E+20
[colorTempOrdenar] => Morado
[4] => Array
[id] => 110283
[titulo] => GN 1/6 h.150mm / 6″ 2,6 l./ 2,7qt Anti allergic polypropylene airtight containers
[content] => GN 1/6 h.150mm / 6" 2,6 l./ 2,7qt Anti allergic polypropylene airtight container identifies and differentiates from the rest of the containers, food for customers with allergies or food intolerances, in order to separate and protect it from possible contamination by substances that may be trigger an allergic reaction. Correct identification will avoid any inadvertent intake of such foods by this risk group. The special permanent label is to identify the allergen on Araven’s airtight container, preserving food with every guarantee for customers who suffer food allergies or intolerances. In addition to the total tightness of these airtight containers, they are specially designed to preserve and protect foods from any risk of contagion and cross-contamination by food allergens.
[thumbnail] =>
[medidaTemp] => 176x162x150
[gastronorm] => GN 1/6
[capacidad] => 2.6
[altura] => 0
[colorTemp] => Morado
[clases] => med_176x162x150 col_morado cap_2-6 capoz_2-7-qt gastro_gn-1-6
[gastronormOrdenar] => GN 1/6
[capacidadOrdenar] => 2.6
[alturaOrdenar] => 1.0E+20
[colorTempOrdenar] => Morado

GN 1/1 h.150mm / 6″ 20,5 l./ 22,2qt Anti allergic polypropylene airtight containers

GN 1/2 h.150mm / 6″ 10 l./ 10,5qt Anti allergic polypropylene airtight containers

GN 1/3 h.150mm / 6″ 6 l./ 6,3qt Anti allergic polypropylene airtight containers

GN 1/4 h.150mm / 6″ 4,3 l./ 4,5qt Anti allergic polypropylene airtight containers

GN 1/6 h.150mm / 6″ 2,6 l./ 2,7qt Anti allergic polypropylene airtight containers