[0] => Array
[id] => 106305
[titulo] => Oil dispenser 35 cl. / 12 oz.
[content] => The 35 cl. oil dispenser is specially designed for dispensing oils, salad dressings, soy sauce, teriyaki, light dressings, sauces sparseness or elaborations developed own kitchen. He is draining excess liquid through the nozzle back into the pot through the hole in the base. This hole also regulates the flow of the dispensed drop.
Provided with a cap to keep with all the guarantees.
[thumbnail] =>
[medidaTemp] => 60x202,5
[gastronorm] =>
[capacidad] => 0.35
[altura] => 0
[colorTemp] => Translucido
[clases] => med_60x2025 col_translucido cap_0-35 capoz_11-83
[gastronormOrdenar] => ZZZZZZZZZZZZ
[capacidadOrdenar] => 0.35
[alturaOrdenar] => 1.0E+20
[colorTempOrdenar] => Translucido
[1] => Array
[id] => 106319
[titulo] => Oil dispenser 50 cl. / 17 oz.
[content] => The 50 cl. oil dispenser is specially designed for dispensing oils, salad dressings, soy sauce, teriyaki, light dressings, sauces sparseness or elaborations developed own kitchen. He is draining excess liquid through the nozzle back into the pot through the hole in the base. This hole also regulates the flow of the dispensed drop.
Provided with a cap to keep with all the guarantees.
[thumbnail] =>
[medidaTemp] => 60x260,5
[gastronorm] =>
[capacidad] => 0.5
[altura] => 0
[colorTemp] => Translucido
[clases] => med_60x2605 col_translucido cap_0-5 capoz_16-91
[gastronormOrdenar] => ZZZZZZZZZZZZ
[capacidadOrdenar] => 0.5
[alturaOrdenar] => 1.0E+20
[colorTempOrdenar] => Translucido
[2] => Array
[id] => 106333
[titulo] => Oil dispenser 75 cl. / 26 oz.
[content] => The 75 cl. oil dispenser is specially designed for dispensing oils, salad dressings, soy sauce, teriyaki, light dressings, sauces sparseness or elaborations developed own kitchen. He is draining excess liquid through the nozzle back into the pot through the hole in the base. This hole also regulates the flow of the dispensed drop.
Provided with a cap to keep with all the guarantees.
[thumbnail] =>
[medidaTemp] => 75x250,5
[gastronorm] =>
[capacidad] => 0.75
[altura] => 0
[colorTemp] => Translucido
[clases] => med_75x2505 col_translucido cap_0-75 capoz_25-36
[gastronormOrdenar] => ZZZZZZZZZZZZ
[capacidadOrdenar] => 0.75
[alturaOrdenar] => 1.0E+20
[colorTempOrdenar] => Translucido
[3] => Array
[id] => 106341
[titulo] => Oil dispenser 100 cl / 34 oz.
[content] => The 100 cl. oil dispenser is specially designed for dispensing oils, salad dressings, soy sauce, teriyaki, light dressings, sauces sparseness or elaborations developed own kitchen. He is draining excess liquid through the nozzle back into the pot through the hole in the base. This hole also regulates the flow of the dispensed drop.
Provided with a cap to keep with all the guarantees.
[thumbnail] =>
[medidaTemp] => 75x310,5
[gastronorm] =>
[capacidad] => 1
[altura] => 0
[colorTemp] => Translucido
[clases] => med_75x3105 col_translucido cap_1 capoz_33-81
[gastronormOrdenar] => ZZZZZZZZZZZZ
[capacidadOrdenar] => 1
[alturaOrdenar] => 1.0E+20
[colorTempOrdenar] => Translucido

Oil dispenser 35 cl. / 12 oz.

Oil dispenser 50 cl. / 17 oz.

Oil dispenser 75 cl. / 26 oz.

Oil dispenser 100 cl / 34 oz.