[0] => Array
[id] => 110139
[titulo] => GN 1/1 h.65mm /2,5″ 6.25 l./ 6.6qt Polycarbonate container
[content] => The GN 1/1 h.65mm /2,5" 6.25 l./ 6.6qt polycarbonate airtight containers with lids are conceived and designed for catering professionals. The GastroNorm size containers have integrated traceability labels, they help comply with the health and hygiene regulation, they are totally transparent to quickly identify the food they contain. Their bi-injection moulded lid with rubber seal ensures maximum protection of foodstuff even in large containers.
[thumbnail] =>
[medidaTemp] => 530x325x65
[gastronorm] => GN 1/1
[capacidad] => 6.25
[altura] => 0
[colorTemp] => Transparente
[clases] => med_530x325x65 col_transparente cap_6-25 capoz_6-6 gastro_gn-1-1
[gastronormOrdenar] => GN 1/1
[capacidadOrdenar] => 6.25
[alturaOrdenar] => 1.0E+20
[colorTempOrdenar] => Transparente
[1] => Array
[id] => 110131
[titulo] => GN 1/1 h.100mm /4″ 10.9 l./ 11.52qt Polycarbonate container
[content] => The GN 1/1 h.100mm /4" 13 l./ 13,7qt polycarbonate airtight containers with lids are conceived and designed for catering professionals. The GastroNorm size containers have integrated traceability labels, they help comply with the health and hygiene regulation, they are totally transparent to quickly identify the food they contain. Their bi-injection moulded lid with rubber seal ensures maximum protection of foodstuff even in large containers.
[thumbnail] =>
[medidaTemp] => 530x325x100
[gastronorm] => GN 1/1
[capacidad] => 10.9
[altura] => 0
[colorTemp] => Transparente
[clases] => med_530x325x100 col_transparente cap_10-9 capoz_11-52 gastro_gn-1-1
[gastronormOrdenar] => GN 1/1
[capacidadOrdenar] => 10.9
[alturaOrdenar] => 1.0E+20
[colorTempOrdenar] => Transparente
[2] => Array
[id] => 110123
[titulo] => GN 1/1 h.150mm /6″ 17.5 l./ 18.49qt Polycarbonate container
[content] => The GN 1/1 h.150mm /6" 20 l./ 21,1qt polycarbonate airtight containers with lids are conceived and designed for catering professionals. The GastroNorm size containers have integrated traceability labels, they help comply with the health and hygiene regulation, they are totally transparent to quickly identify the food they contain. Their bi-injection moulded lid with rubber seal ensures maximum protection of foodstuff even in large containers.
[thumbnail] =>
[medidaTemp] => 530x325x150
[gastronorm] => GN 1/1
[capacidad] => 17.5
[altura] => 0
[colorTemp] => Transparente
[clases] => med_530x325x150 col_transparente cap_17-5 capoz_18-49 gastro_gn-1-1
[gastronormOrdenar] => GN 1/1
[capacidadOrdenar] => 17.5
[alturaOrdenar] => 1.0E+20
[colorTempOrdenar] => Transparente
[3] => Array
[id] => 110115
[titulo] => GN 1/1 h.200mm /8″ 24 l./ 25.36 qt Polycarbonate container
[content] => The GN 1/1 h.200mm /8" 25,3 l./ 26,5qt polycarbonate airtight containers with lids are conceived and designed for catering professionals. The GastroNorm size containers have integrated traceability labels, they help comply with the health and hygiene regulation, they are totally transparent to quickly identify the food they contain. Their bi-injection moulded lid with rubber seal ensures maximum protection of foodstuff even in large containers.
[thumbnail] =>
[medidaTemp] => 530x325x200
[gastronorm] => GN 1/1
[capacidad] => 24
[altura] => 0
[colorTemp] => Transparente
[clases] => med_530x325x200 col_transparente cap_24 capoz_25-36 gastro_gn-1-1
[gastronormOrdenar] => GN 1/1
[capacidadOrdenar] => 24
[alturaOrdenar] => 1.0E+20
[colorTempOrdenar] => Transparente
[4] => Array
[id] => 110171
[titulo] => GN 1/2 h.65mm / 2,5″ 2,8 l./ 2.96qt Polycarbonate container
[content] => The GN 1/2 h.65mm / 2,5" 2,8 l./ 2.96qt polycarbonate airtight containers with lids are conceived and designed for catering professionals. The GastroNorm size containers have integrated traceability labels, they help comply with the health and hygiene regulation, they are totally transparent to quickly identify the food they contain. Their bi-injection moulded lid with rubber seal ensures maximum protection of foodstuff even in large containers.
[thumbnail] =>
[medidaTemp] => 325x265x65
[gastronorm] => GN 1/2
[capacidad] => 2.8
[altura] => 0
[colorTemp] => Transparente
[clases] => med_325x265x65 col_transparente cap_2-8 capoz_2-96 gastro_gn-1-2
[gastronormOrdenar] => GN 1/2
[capacidadOrdenar] => 2.8
[alturaOrdenar] => 1.0E+20
[colorTempOrdenar] => Transparente
[5] => Array
[id] => 110163
[titulo] => GN 1/2 h.100mm / 4″ 4.85 l./ 5.12qt Polycarbonate container
[content] => The GN 1/2 h.100mm / 4" 6 l./ 6,3qt polycarbonate airtight containers with lids are conceived and designed for catering professionals. The GastroNorm size containers have integrated traceability labels, they help comply with the health and hygiene regulation, they are totally transparent to quickly identify the food they contain. Their bi-injection moulded lid with rubber seal ensures maximum protection of foodstuff even in large containers.
[thumbnail] =>
[medidaTemp] => 325x265x100
[gastronorm] => GN 1/2
[capacidad] => 4.85
[altura] => 0
[colorTemp] => Transparente
[clases] => med_325x265x100 col_transparente cap_4-85 capoz_5-12 gastro_gn-1-2
[gastronormOrdenar] => GN 1/2
[capacidadOrdenar] => 4.85
[alturaOrdenar] => 1.0E+20
[colorTempOrdenar] => Transparente
[6] => Array
[id] => 110155
[titulo] => GN 1/2 h.150mm / 6″ 7.9 l./ 8.35qt Polycarbonate container
[content] => The GN 1/2 h.150mm / 6" 9,5 l./ 10qt polycarbonate airtight containers with lids are conceived and designed for catering professionals. The GastroNorm size containers have integrated traceability labels, they help comply with the health and hygiene regulation, they are totally transparent to quickly identify the food they contain. Their bi-injection moulded lid with rubber seal ensures maximum protection of foodstuff even in large containers.
[thumbnail] =>
[medidaTemp] => 325x265x150
[gastronorm] => GN 1/2
[capacidad] => 7.9
[altura] => 0
[colorTemp] => Transparente
[clases] => med_325x265x150 col_transparente cap_7-9 capoz_8-35 gastro_gn-1-2
[gastronormOrdenar] => GN 1/2
[capacidadOrdenar] => 7.9
[alturaOrdenar] => 1.0E+20
[colorTempOrdenar] => Transparente
[7] => Array
[id] => 110147
[titulo] => GN 1/2 h.200mm / 8″ 10.25 l./ 10.83qt Polycarbonate container
[content] => The GN 1/2 h.200mm / 8" 10.25 l./ 10.83qt polycarbonate airtight containers with lids are conceived and designed for catering professionals. The GastroNorm size containers have integrated traceability labels, they help comply with the health and hygiene regulation, they are totally transparent to quickly identify the food they contain. Their bi-injection moulded lid with rubber seal ensures maximum protection of foodstuff even in large containers.
[thumbnail] =>
[medidaTemp] => 325x265x200
[gastronorm] => GN 1/2
[capacidad] => 10.25
[altura] => 0
[colorTemp] => Transparente
[clases] => med_325x265x200 col_transparente cap_10-25 capoz_10-83 gastro_gn-1-2
[gastronormOrdenar] => GN 1/2
[capacidadOrdenar] => 10.25
[alturaOrdenar] => 1.0E+20
[colorTempOrdenar] => Transparente
[8] => Array
[id] => 110203
[titulo] => GN 1/3 h.65mm / 2,5″ 1.65 l./ 1.74 qt Polycarbonate container
[content] => The GN 1/3 h.65mm / 2,5" 1.65 l./ 1.74qt polycarbonate airtight containers with lids are conceived and designed for catering professionals. The GastroNorm size containers have integrated traceability labels, they help comply with the health and hygiene regulation, they are totally transparent to quickly identify the food they contain. Their bi-injection moulded lid with rubber seal ensures maximum protection of foodstuff even in large containers.
[thumbnail] =>
[medidaTemp] => 325x176x65
[gastronorm] => GN 1/3
[capacidad] => 1.65
[altura] => 0
[colorTemp] => Transparente
[clases] => med_325x176x65 col_transparente cap_1-65 capoz_1-74 gastro_gn-1-3
[gastronormOrdenar] => GN 1/3
[capacidadOrdenar] => 1.65
[alturaOrdenar] => 1.0E+20
[colorTempOrdenar] => Transparente
[9] => Array
[id] => 110195
[titulo] => GN 1/3 h.100mm / 4″ 3 l./ 3.17qt Polycarbonate container
[content] => The GN 1/3 h.100mm / 4" 4 l./ 4,2qt polycarbonate airtight containers with lids are conceived and designed for catering professionals. The GastroNorm size containers have integrated traceability labels, they help comply with the health and hygiene regulation, they are totally transparent to quickly identify the food they contain. Their bi-injection moulded lid with rubber seal ensures maximum protection of foodstuff even in large containers.
[thumbnail] =>
[medidaTemp] => 325x176x100
[gastronorm] => GN 1/3
[capacidad] => 3
[altura] => 0
[colorTemp] => Transparente
[clases] => med_325x176x100 col_transparente cap_3 capoz_3-17 gastro_gn-1-3
[gastronormOrdenar] => GN 1/3
[capacidadOrdenar] => 3
[alturaOrdenar] => 1.0E+20
[colorTempOrdenar] => Transparente
[10] => Array
[id] => 110187
[titulo] => GN 1/3 h.150mm / 6″ 4.7 l./ 4.97 qt Polycarbonate container
[content] => The GN 1/3 h.150mm / 6" 4.7 l./ 4.97 qt polycarbonate airtight containers with lids are conceived and designed for catering professionals. The GastroNorm size containers have integrated traceability labels, they help comply with the health and hygiene regulation, they are totally transparent to quickly identify the food they contain. Their bi-injection moulded lid with rubber seal ensures maximum protection of foodstuff even in large containers.
[thumbnail] =>
[medidaTemp] => 325x176x150
[gastronorm] => GN 1/3
[capacidad] => 4.7
[altura] => 0
[colorTemp] => Transparente
[clases] => med_325x176x150 col_transparente cap_4-7 capoz_4-97 gastro_gn-1-3
[gastronormOrdenar] => GN 1/3
[capacidadOrdenar] => 4.7
[alturaOrdenar] => 1.0E+20
[colorTempOrdenar] => Transparente
[11] => Array
[id] => 110179
[titulo] => GN 1/3 h.200mm / 8″ 6 l./ 6.34 qt Polycarbonate container
[content] => The GN 1/3 h.200mm / 8" 6 l./ 6.34 qt polycarbonate airtight containers with lids are conceived and designed for catering professionals. The GastroNorm size containers have integrated traceability labels, they help comply with the health and hygiene regulation, they are totally transparent to quickly identify the food they contain. Their bi-injection moulded lid with rubber seal ensures maximum protection of foodstuff even in large containers.
[thumbnail] =>
[medidaTemp] => 325x176x200
[gastronorm] => GN 1/3
[capacidad] => 6
[altura] => 0
[colorTemp] => Transparente
[clases] => med_325x176x200 col_transparente cap_6 capoz_6-34 gastro_gn-1-3
[gastronormOrdenar] => GN 1/3
[capacidadOrdenar] => 6
[alturaOrdenar] => 1.0E+20
[colorTempOrdenar] => Transparente
[12] => Array
[id] => 110227
[titulo] => GN 1/4 h.65mm / 2,5″ 1,2 l./1,27 qt Polycarbonate container
[content] => The GN 1/4 h.65mm / 2,5" 1,2 l./1,27 qt polycarbonate airtight containers with lids are conceived and designed for catering professionals. The GastroNorm size containers have integrated traceability labels, they help comply with the health and hygiene regulation, they are totally transparent to quickly identify the food they contain. Their bi-injection moulded lid with rubber seal ensures maximum protection of foodstuff even in large containers.
[thumbnail] =>
[medidaTemp] => 265x162x65
[gastronorm] => GN 1/4
[capacidad] => 1.2
[altura] => 0
[colorTemp] => Transparente
[clases] => med_265x162x65 col_transparente cap_1-2 capoz_1-27 gastro_gn-1-4
[gastronormOrdenar] => GN 1/4
[capacidadOrdenar] => 1.2
[alturaOrdenar] => 1.0E+20
[colorTempOrdenar] => Transparente
[13] => Array
[id] => 110219
[titulo] => GN 1/4 h.100mm / 2,5″ 2,2 l./ 2,32qt Polycarbonate container
[content] => The GN 1/4 h.100mm / 2,5" 2,2 l./ 2,32qt polycarbonate airtight containers with lids are conceived and designed for catering professionals. The GastroNorm size containers have integrated traceability labels, they help comply with the health and hygiene regulation, they are totally transparent to quickly identify the food they contain. Their bi-injection moulded lid with rubber seal ensures maximum protection of foodstuff even in large containers.
[thumbnail] =>
[medidaTemp] => 265x162x100
[gastronorm] => GN 1/4
[capacidad] => 2.2
[altura] => 0
[colorTemp] => Transparente
[clases] => med_265x162x100 col_transparente cap_2-2 capoz_2-32 gastro_gn-1-4
[gastronormOrdenar] => GN 1/4
[capacidadOrdenar] => 2.2
[alturaOrdenar] => 1.0E+20
[colorTempOrdenar] => Transparente
[14] => Array
[id] => 110211
[titulo] => GN 1/4 h.150mm / 6″ 3,3 l./ 3.49qt Polycarbonate container
[content] => The GN 1/4 h.150mm / 6" 4,3 l./ 4,5qt polycarbonate airtight containers with lids are conceived and designed for catering professionals. The GastroNorm size containers have integrated traceability labels, they help comply with the health and hygiene regulation, they are totally transparent to quickly identify the food they contain. Their bi-injection moulded lid with rubber seal ensures maximum protection of foodstuff even in large containers.
[thumbnail] =>
[medidaTemp] => 265x162x150
[gastronorm] => GN 1/4
[capacidad] => 3.3
[altura] => 0
[colorTemp] => Transparente
[clases] => med_265x162x150 col_transparente cap_3-3 capoz_3-49 gastro_gn-1-4
[gastronormOrdenar] => GN 1/4
[capacidadOrdenar] => 3.3
[alturaOrdenar] => 1.0E+20
[colorTempOrdenar] => Transparente
[15] => Array
[id] => 110251
[titulo] => GN 1/6 h.65mm / 2,5″ 0.75 l./ 0.79qt Polycarbonate container
[content] => The GN 1/6 h.65mm / 2,5" 1,1 l./ 1,2qt polycarbonate airtight containers with lids are conceived and designed for catering professionals. The GastroNorm size containers have integrated traceability labels, they help comply with the health and hygiene regulation, they are totally transparent to quickly identify the food they contain. Their bi-injection moulded lid with rubber seal ensures maximum protection of foodstuff even in large containers.
[thumbnail] =>
[medidaTemp] => 176x162x65
[gastronorm] => GN 1/6
[capacidad] => 0.75
[altura] => 0
[colorTemp] => Transparente
[clases] => med_176x162x65 col_transparente cap_0-75 capoz_0-79 gastro_gn-1-6
[gastronormOrdenar] => GN 1/6
[capacidadOrdenar] => 0.75
[alturaOrdenar] => 1.0E+20
[colorTempOrdenar] => Transparente
[16] => Array
[id] => 110243
[titulo] => GN 1/6 h.100mm / 4″ 1,25 l./ 1,32qt Polycarbonate container
[content] => The GN 1/6 h.100mm / 4" 1,25 l./ 1,32qt polycarbonate airtight containers with lids are conceived and designed for catering professionals. The GastroNorm size containers have integrated traceability labels, they help comply with the health and hygiene regulation, they are totally transparent to quickly identify the food they contain. Their bi-injection moulded lid with rubber seal ensures maximum protection of foodstuff even in large containers.
[thumbnail] =>
[medidaTemp] => 176x162x100
[gastronorm] => GN 1/6
[capacidad] => 1.25
[altura] => 0
[colorTemp] => Transparente
[clases] => med_176x162x100 col_transparente cap_1-25 capoz_1-32 gastro_gn-1-6
[gastronormOrdenar] => GN 1/6
[capacidadOrdenar] => 1.25
[alturaOrdenar] => 1.0E+20
[colorTempOrdenar] => Transparente
[17] => Array
[id] => 110235
[titulo] => GN 1/6 h.150mm / 6″ 1.9 l./ 2 qt Polycarbonate container
[content] => The GN 1/6 h.150mm / 6" 1.9 l./ 2 qt polycarbonate airtight containers with lids are conceived and designed for catering professionals. The GastroNorm size containers have integrated traceability labels, they help comply with the health and hygiene regulation, they are totally transparent to quickly identify the food they contain. Their bi-injection moulded lid with rubber seal ensures maximum protection of foodstuff even in large containers.
[thumbnail] =>
[medidaTemp] => 176x162x150
[gastronorm] => GN 1/6
[capacidad] => 1.9
[altura] => 0
[colorTemp] => Transparente
[clases] => med_176x162x150 col_transparente cap_1-9 capoz_2 gastro_gn-1-6
[gastronormOrdenar] => GN 1/6
[capacidadOrdenar] => 1.9
[alturaOrdenar] => 1.0E+20
[colorTempOrdenar] => Transparente

GN 1/1 h.65mm /2,5″ 6.25 l./ 6.6qt Polycarbonate container

GN 1/1 h.100mm /4″ 10.9 l./ 11.52qt Polycarbonate container

GN 1/1 h.150mm /6″ 17.5 l./ 18.49qt Polycarbonate container

GN 1/1 h.200mm /8″ 24 l./ 25.36 qt Polycarbonate container

GN 1/2 h.65mm / 2,5″ 2,8 l./ 2.96qt Polycarbonate container

GN 1/2 h.100mm / 4″ 4.85 l./ 5.12qt Polycarbonate container

GN 1/2 h.150mm / 6″ 7.9 l./ 8.35qt Polycarbonate container

GN 1/2 h.200mm / 8″ 10.25 l./ 10.83qt Polycarbonate container

GN 1/3 h.65mm / 2,5″ 1.65 l./ 1.74 qt Polycarbonate container

GN 1/3 h.100mm / 4″ 3 l./ 3.17qt Polycarbonate container

GN 1/3 h.150mm / 6″ 4.7 l./ 4.97 qt Polycarbonate container

GN 1/3 h.200mm / 8″ 6 l./ 6.34 qt Polycarbonate container

GN 1/4 h.65mm / 2,5″ 1,2 l./1,27 qt Polycarbonate container

GN 1/4 h.100mm / 2,5″ 2,2 l./ 2,32qt Polycarbonate container

GN 1/4 h.150mm / 6″ 3,3 l./ 3.49qt Polycarbonate container

GN 1/6 h.65mm / 2,5″ 0.75 l./ 0.79qt Polycarbonate container

GN 1/6 h.100mm / 4″ 1,25 l./ 1,32qt Polycarbonate container

GN 1/6 h.150mm / 6″ 1.9 l./ 2 qt Polycarbonate container