Polycarbonate Gastronorm food pans

The polycarbonate containers are conceived and designed for catering professionals. The GastroNorm size containers have integrated traceability labels, they help comply with the health and hygiene regulation, they are totally transparent to quickly identify the food they contain


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    [0] => Array
            [id] => 107640
            [titulo] => GN 1/1 h.65mm /2,5″ 8.35 l./ 8.82qt Polycarbonate  container without lid
            [content] => The GN 1/1 h.65mm /2,5" 8.35 l./ 8.82qt polycarbonate containers are conceived and designed for catering professionals. The GastroNorm size containers have integrated traceability labels, they help comply with the health and hygiene regulation, they are totally transparent to quickly identify the food they contain
            [thumbnail] => https://araven.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/09826.jpg
            [medidaTemp] => 530x325x65
            [gastronorm] => GN 1/1
            [capacidad] => 8.35
            [altura] => 0
            [colorTemp] => Transparente 
            [clases] =>  med_530x325x65 col_transparente cap_8-35 capoz_8-82 gastro_gn-1-1
            [gastronormOrdenar] => GN 1/1
            [capacidadOrdenar] => 8.35
            [alturaOrdenar] => 1.0E+20
            [colorTempOrdenar] => Transparente 

    [1] => Array
            [id] => 107632
            [titulo] => GN 1/1 h.100mm /4″ 13 l./ 13,7qt Polycarbonate  container without lid
            [content] => The GN 1/1 h.100mm /4" 13 l./ 13,7qt polycarbonate containers are conceived and designed for catering professionals. The GastroNorm size containers have integrated traceability labels, they help comply with the health and hygiene regulation, they are totally transparent to quickly identify the food they contain
            [thumbnail] => https://araven.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/09827.jpg
            [medidaTemp] => 530x325x100
            [gastronorm] => GN 1/1
            [capacidad] => 13
            [altura] => 0
            [colorTemp] => Transparente 
            [clases] =>  med_530x325x100 col_transparente cap_13 capoz_13-7 gastro_gn-1-1
            [gastronormOrdenar] => GN 1/1
            [capacidadOrdenar] => 13
            [alturaOrdenar] => 1.0E+20
            [colorTempOrdenar] => Transparente 

    [2] => Array
            [id] => 107624
            [titulo] => GN 1/1 h.150mm /6″ 19.6 l./ 20.71qt  Polycarbonate  container without lid
            [content] => The GN 1/1 h.150mm /6" 19.6 l./ 20.71qt polycarbonate containers are conceived and designed for catering professionals. The GastroNorm size containers have integrated traceability labels, they help comply with the health and hygiene regulation, they are totally transparent to quickly identify the food they contain
            [thumbnail] => https://araven.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/09828.jpg
            [medidaTemp] => 530x325x150
            [gastronorm] => GN 1/1
            [capacidad] => 19.6
            [altura] => 0
            [colorTemp] => Transparente 
            [clases] =>  med_530x325x150 col_transparente cap_19-6 capoz_20-71 gastro_gn-1-1
            [gastronormOrdenar] => GN 1/1
            [capacidadOrdenar] => 19.6
            [alturaOrdenar] => 1.0E+20
            [colorTempOrdenar] => Transparente 

    [3] => Array
            [id] => 107760
            [titulo] => GN 1/1 Polycarbonate perforated container
            [content] => GN 1/1 Polycarbonate perforated container: For perfect preservation, enables the separation of exudates from the food itself. Other uses, pasta and vegetable strainer.
            [thumbnail] => https://araven.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/09825-b.jpg
            [medidaTemp] => 530x325x150
            [gastronorm] => GN 1/1
            [capacidad] => 19.6
            [altura] => 0
            [colorTemp] => Transparente 
            [clases] =>  med_530x325x150 col_transparente cap_19-6 capoz_20-71 gastro_gn-1-1
            [gastronormOrdenar] => GN 1/1
            [capacidadOrdenar] => 19.6
            [alturaOrdenar] => 1.0E+20
            [colorTempOrdenar] => Transparente 

    [4] => Array
            [id] => 107616
            [titulo] => GN 1/1 h.200mm /8″ 26.1 l./ 27.58qt Polycarbonate  container without lid
            [content] => The GN 1/1 h.200mm /8" 26.1 l./ 27.58qt polycarbonate containers are conceived and designed for catering professionals. The GastroNorm size containers have integrated traceability labels, they help comply with the health and hygiene regulation, they are totally transparent to quickly identify the food they contain
            [thumbnail] => https://araven.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/09835.jpg
            [medidaTemp] => 530x325x200
            [gastronorm] => GN 1/1
            [capacidad] => 26.1
            [altura] => 0
            [colorTemp] => Transparente 
            [clases] =>  med_530x325x200 col_transparente cap_26-1 capoz_27-58 gastro_gn-1-1
            [gastronormOrdenar] => GN 1/1
            [capacidadOrdenar] => 26.1
            [alturaOrdenar] => 1.0E+20
            [colorTempOrdenar] => Transparente 

    [5] => Array
            [id] => 107672
            [titulo] => GN 1/2 h.65mm / 2,5″ 3,9 l./ 4.12qt  Polycarbonate container without lid
            [content] => The GN 1/2 h.65mm / 2,5" 3,9 l./ 4.12qt polycarbonate containers are conceived and designed for catering professionals. The GastroNorm size containers have integrated traceability labels, they help comply with the health and hygiene regulation, they are totally transparent to quickly identify the food they contain
            [thumbnail] => https://araven.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/09821.jpg
            [medidaTemp] => 325x265x65
            [gastronorm] => GN 1/2
            [capacidad] => 3.9
            [altura] => 0
            [colorTemp] => Transparente 
            [clases] =>  med_325x265x65 col_transparente cap_3-9 capoz_4-12 gastro_gn-1-2
            [gastronormOrdenar] => GN 1/2
            [capacidadOrdenar] => 3.9
            [alturaOrdenar] => 1.0E+20
            [colorTempOrdenar] => Transparente 

    [6] => Array
            [id] => 107664
            [titulo] => GN 1/2 h.100mm / 4″ 6 l./ 6,3qt Polycarbonate  container without lid
            [content] => The GN 1/2 h.100mm / 4" 6 l./ 6,3qt polycarbonate containers are conceived and designed for catering professionals. The GastroNorm size containers have integrated traceability labels, they help comply with the health and hygiene regulation, they are totally transparent to quickly identify the food they contain
            [thumbnail] => https://araven.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/09822.jpg
            [medidaTemp] => 325x265x100
            [gastronorm] => GN 1/2
            [capacidad] => 5.95
            [altura] => 0
            [colorTemp] => Transparente 
            [clases] =>  med_325x265x100 col_transparente cap_5-95 capoz_6-3 gastro_gn-1-2
            [gastronormOrdenar] => GN 1/2
            [capacidadOrdenar] => 5.95
            [alturaOrdenar] => 1.0E+20
            [colorTempOrdenar] => Transparente 

    [7] => Array
            [id] => 107656
            [titulo] => GN 1/2 h.150mm / 6″ 9 l./ 9.51qt Polycarbonate container without lid
            [content] => The GN 1/2 h.150mm / 6" 9 l./ 9.51qt polycarbonate containers are conceived and designed for catering professionals. The GastroNorm size containers have integrated traceability labels, they help comply with the health and hygiene regulation, they are totally transparent to quickly identify the food they contain
            [thumbnail] => https://araven.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/09823.jpg
            [medidaTemp] => 325x265x150
            [gastronorm] => GN 1/2
            [capacidad] => 9
            [altura] => 0
            [colorTemp] => Transparente 
            [clases] =>  med_325x265x150 col_transparente cap_9 capoz_9-51 gastro_gn-1-2
            [gastronormOrdenar] => GN 1/2
            [capacidadOrdenar] => 9
            [alturaOrdenar] => 1.0E+20
            [colorTempOrdenar] => Transparente 

    [8] => Array
            [id] => 107648
            [titulo] => GN 1/2 h.200mm / 8″ 11,35 l./ 11,99qt Polycarbonate  container without lid
            [content] => The GN 1/2 h.200mm / 8" 11,3 l./ 11,9qt polycarbonate containers are conceived and designed for catering professionals. The GastroNorm size containers have integrated traceability labels, they help comply with the health and hygiene regulation, they are totally transparent to quickly identify the food they contain
            [thumbnail] => https://araven.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/09834.jpg
            [medidaTemp] => 325x265x200
            [gastronorm] => GN 1/2
            [capacidad] => 11.35
            [altura] => 0
            [colorTemp] => Transparente 
            [clases] =>  med_325x265x200 col_transparente cap_11-35 capoz_11-99 gastro_gn-1-2
            [gastronormOrdenar] => GN 1/2
            [capacidadOrdenar] => 11.35
            [alturaOrdenar] => 1.0E+20
            [colorTempOrdenar] => Transparente 

    [9] => Array
            [id] => 107704
            [titulo] => GN 1/3 h.65mm / 2,5″ 2,35 l./ 2,48qt Polycarbonate  container without lid
            [content] => The GN 1/3 h.65mm / 2,5" 2,35 l./ 2,48qt polycarbonate containers are conceived and designed for catering professionals. The GastroNorm size containers have integrated traceability labels, they help comply with the health and hygiene regulation, they are totally transparent to quickly identify the food they contain
            [thumbnail] => https://araven.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/09808.jpg
            [medidaTemp] => 325x176x65
            [gastronorm] => GN 1/3
            [capacidad] => 2.35
            [altura] => 0
            [colorTemp] => Transparente 
            [clases] =>  med_325x176x65 col_transparente cap_2-35 capoz_2-48 gastro_gn-1-3
            [gastronormOrdenar] => GN 1/3
            [capacidadOrdenar] => 2.35
            [alturaOrdenar] => 1.0E+20
            [colorTempOrdenar] => Transparente 

    [10] => Array
            [id] => 107696
            [titulo] => GN 1/3 h.100mm / 4″ 3.7 l./ 3.9 qt  Polycarbonate  container without lid
            [content] => The GN 1/3 h.100mm / 4" 4 l./ 4,2qt polycarbonate containers are conceived and designed for catering professionals. The GastroNorm size containers have integrated traceability labels, they help comply with the health and hygiene regulation, they are totally transparent to quickly identify the food they contain
            [thumbnail] => https://araven.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/09819.jpg
            [medidaTemp] => 325x176x100
            [gastronorm] => GN 1/3
            [capacidad] => 3.7
            [altura] => 0
            [colorTemp] => Transparente 
            [clases] =>  med_325x176x100 col_transparente cap_3-7 capoz_3-9 gastro_gn-1-3
            [gastronormOrdenar] => GN 1/3
            [capacidadOrdenar] => 3.7
            [alturaOrdenar] => 1.0E+20
            [colorTempOrdenar] => Transparente 

    [11] => Array
            [id] => 107688
            [titulo] => GN 1/3 h.150mm / 6″ 5.4 l./ 5.7 qt Polycarbonate  container without lid
            [content] => The GN 1/3 h.150mm / 6" 5.4 l./ 5.7 qt polycarbonate containers are conceived and designed for catering professionals. The GastroNorm size containers have integrated traceability labels, they help comply with the health and hygiene regulation, they are totally transparent to quickly identify the food they contain
            [thumbnail] => https://araven.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/09820.jpg
            [medidaTemp] => 325x176x150
            [gastronorm] => GN 1/3
            [capacidad] => 5.4
            [altura] => 0
            [colorTemp] => Transparente 
            [clases] =>  med_325x176x150 col_transparente cap_5-4 capoz_5-7 gastro_gn-1-3
            [gastronormOrdenar] => GN 1/3
            [capacidadOrdenar] => 5.4
            [alturaOrdenar] => 1.0E+20
            [colorTempOrdenar] => Transparente 

    [12] => Array
            [id] => 107680
            [titulo] => GN 1/3 h.200mm / 8″ 6,7 l./ 7qt Polycarbonate  container without lid
            [content] => 

The GN 1/3 h.200mm / 8" 6,7 l./ 7qt polycarbonate containers are conceived and designed for catering professionals. The GastroNorm size containers have integrated traceability labels, they help comply with the health and hygiene regulation, they are totally transparent to quickly identify the food they contain

[thumbnail] => https://araven.com/wp-content/uploads/producto_hosteleria/09831_1.jpg [medidaTemp] => 325x176x200 [gastronorm] => GN 1/3 [capacidad] => 6.7 [altura] => 0 [colorTemp] => Transparente [clases] => med_325x176x200 col_transparente cap_6-7 capoz_7-qt gastro_gn-1-3 [gastronormOrdenar] => GN 1/3 [capacidadOrdenar] => 6.7 [alturaOrdenar] => 1.0E+20 [colorTempOrdenar] => Transparente ) [13] => Array ( [id] => 107728 [titulo] => GN 1/4 h.65mm / 2,5″ 1,6 l./1,69qt Polycarbonate container without lid [content] => The GN 1/4 h.65mm / 2,5" 1,6 l./1,69qt polycarbonate containers are conceived and designed for catering professionals. The GastroNorm size containers have integrated traceability labels, they help comply with the health and hygiene regulation, they are totally transparent to quickly identify the food they contain [thumbnail] => https://araven.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/09816.jpg [medidaTemp] => 265x162x65 [gastronorm] => GN 1/4 [capacidad] => 1.6 [altura] => 0 [colorTemp] => Transparente [clases] => med_265x162x65 col_transparente cap_1-6 capoz_1-69 gastro_gn-1-4 [gastronormOrdenar] => GN 1/4 [capacidadOrdenar] => 1.6 [alturaOrdenar] => 1.0E+20 [colorTempOrdenar] => Transparente ) [14] => Array ( [id] => 107720 [titulo] => GN 1/4 h.100mm / 2,5″ 2,6 l./ 2,75qt Polycarbonate container without lid [content] => The GN 1/4 h.100mm / 2,5" 2,6 l./ 2,75qt polycarbonate containers are conceived and designed for catering professionals. The GastroNorm size containers have integrated traceability labels, they help comply with the health and hygiene regulation, they are totally transparent to quickly identify the food they contain [thumbnail] => https://araven.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/09817.jpg [medidaTemp] => 265x162x100 [gastronorm] => GN 1/4 [capacidad] => 2.6 [altura] => 0 [colorTemp] => Transparente [clases] => med_265x162x100 col_transparente cap_2-6 capoz_2-75 gastro_gn-1-4 [gastronormOrdenar] => GN 1/4 [capacidadOrdenar] => 2.6 [alturaOrdenar] => 1.0E+20 [colorTempOrdenar] => Transparente ) [15] => Array ( [id] => 107712 [titulo] => GN 1/4 h.150mm / 6″ 3.7 l./ 3.91qt Polycarbonate container without lid [content] => The GN 1/4 h.150mm / 6" 3.7 l./ 3.91qt polycarbonate containers are conceived and designed for catering professionals. The GastroNorm size containers have integrated traceability labels, they help comply with the health and hygiene regulation, they are totally transparent to quickly identify the food they contain [thumbnail] => https://araven.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/09818.jpg [medidaTemp] => 265x162x150 [gastronorm] => GN 1/4 [capacidad] => 3.7 [altura] => 0 [colorTemp] => Transparente [clases] => med_265x162x150 col_transparente cap_3-7 capoz_3-91 gastro_gn-1-4 [gastronormOrdenar] => GN 1/4 [capacidadOrdenar] => 3.7 [alturaOrdenar] => 1.0E+20 [colorTempOrdenar] => Transparente ) [16] => Array ( [id] => 107752 [titulo] => GN 1/6 h.65mm / 2,5″ 1 l./ 1,05 qt Polycarbonate container without lid [content] => The GN 1/6 h.65mm / 2,5" 1,1 l./ 1,2qt polycarbonate containers are conceived and designed for catering professionals. The GastroNorm size containers have integrated traceability labels, they help comply with the health and hygiene regulation, they are totally transparent to quickly identify the food they contain [thumbnail] => https://araven.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/09796.jpg [medidaTemp] => 176x162x65 [gastronorm] => GN 1/6 [capacidad] => 1 [altura] => 0 [colorTemp] => Transparente [clases] => med_176x162x65 col_transparente cap_1 capoz_1-05 gastro_gn-1-6 [gastronormOrdenar] => GN 1/6 [capacidadOrdenar] => 1 [alturaOrdenar] => 1.0E+20 [colorTempOrdenar] => Transparente ) [17] => Array ( [id] => 107744 [titulo] => GN 1/6 h.100mm / 4″ 1,5 l./ 1,5qt Polycarbonate container without lid [content] => The GN 1/6 h.100mm / 4" 1,5 l./ 1,5qt polycarbonate containers are conceived and designed for catering professionals. The GastroNorm size containers have integrated traceability labels, they help comply with the health and hygiene regulation, they are totally transparent to quickly identify the food they contain [thumbnail] => https://araven.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/09797.jpg [medidaTemp] => 176x162x100 [gastronorm] => GN 1/6 [capacidad] => 1.5 [altura] => 0 [colorTemp] => Transparente [clases] => med_176x162x100 col_transparente cap_1-5 capoz_1-5 gastro_gn-1-6 [gastronormOrdenar] => GN 1/6 [capacidadOrdenar] => 1.5 [alturaOrdenar] => 1.0E+20 [colorTempOrdenar] => Transparente ) [18] => Array ( [id] => 107736 [titulo] => GN 1/6 h.150mm / 6″ 2,15 l./ 2,2qt Polycarbonate container without lid [content] => The GN 1/6 h.150mm / 6" 2,15 l./ 2,2qt polycarbonate containers are conceived and designed for catering professionals. The GastroNorm size containers have integrated traceability labels, they help comply with the health and hygiene regulation, they are totally transparent to quickly identify the food they contain [thumbnail] => https://araven.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/09798.jpg [medidaTemp] => 176x162x150 [gastronorm] => GN 1/6 [capacidad] => 2.15 [altura] => 0 [colorTemp] => Transparente [clases] => med_176x162x150 col_transparente cap_2-15 capoz_2-2 gastro_gn-1-6 [gastronormOrdenar] => GN 1/6 [capacidadOrdenar] => 2.15 [alturaOrdenar] => 1.0E+20 [colorTempOrdenar] => Transparente ) )

GN 1/1 h.65mm /2,5″ 8.35 l./ 8.82qt Polycarbonate container without lid

GN 1/1 h.100mm /4″ 13 l./ 13,7qt Polycarbonate container without lid

GN 1/1 h.150mm /6″ 19.6 l./ 20.71qt Polycarbonate container without lid

GN 1/1 Polycarbonate perforated container

GN 1/1 h.200mm /8″ 26.1 l./ 27.58qt Polycarbonate container without lid

GN 1/2 h.65mm / 2,5″ 3,9 l./ 4.12qt Polycarbonate container without lid

GN 1/2 h.100mm / 4″ 6 l./ 6,3qt Polycarbonate container without lid

GN 1/2 h.150mm / 6″ 9 l./ 9.51qt Polycarbonate container without lid

GN 1/2 h.200mm / 8″ 11,35 l./ 11,99qt Polycarbonate container without lid

GN 1/3 h.65mm / 2,5″ 2,35 l./ 2,48qt Polycarbonate container without lid

GN 1/3 h.100mm / 4″ 3.7 l./ 3.9 qt Polycarbonate container without lid

GN 1/3 h.150mm / 6″ 5.4 l./ 5.7 qt Polycarbonate container without lid

GN 1/3 h.200mm / 8″ 6,7 l./ 7qt Polycarbonate container without lid

GN 1/4 h.65mm / 2,5″ 1,6 l./1,69qt Polycarbonate container without lid

GN 1/4 h.100mm / 2,5″ 2,6 l./ 2,75qt Polycarbonate container without lid

GN 1/4 h.150mm / 6″ 3.7 l./ 3.91qt Polycarbonate container without lid

GN 1/6 h.65mm / 2,5″ 1 l./ 1,05 qt Polycarbonate container without lid

GN 1/6 h.100mm / 4″ 1,5 l./ 1,5qt Polycarbonate container without lid

GN 1/6 h.150mm / 6″ 2,15 l./ 2,2qt Polycarbonate container without lid

High impact resistance

Very strong, durable.

Dishwasher safe

The shelves can be washed in the dishwasher.

Migration Regulations

Araven complies with all Migration Regulations: Directive 2005/79/EU, Directive 2007/19/EU, Directive 2008/39/EU and Directive 2011/10/EU.

Temperature range ºC

Temperatures from – 40ºC to +90ºC / -40ºF to +194ºF

Rounded edges

Its special design prevents the accumulation of debris and facilitates cleaning.


Maximum transparency for quick identification of the food and its condition.

Compliance with all European regulations

Compliance with all European regulations for materials and articles intended to come into contact with foodstuffs.


It can be closed bowl by bowl to adapt to the capacity required at any time. Double use of the lid: the lid is also a tray (GN 1/1 and GN 1/2). By simply turning the lid, it becomes a tray with GastroNorm measurements.

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Its ergonomic rim makes it easy to handle the bowl.

Scale content

Measuring strip and measuring indicator

Integrated label

The permanent label allows cooking professionals to identify the contents and keep information on the origin, aiding compliance with food Traceability Regulations Reg (CE) 852/2004 and Reg (CE) 178/2002 .

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High impact resistant material. Highly resistant, durable

Gastronorm sizes

Products designed and manufactured according to the dimensions and specifications established in the EN 631.1 Standard. It allows the part to be registered in the oven guide and in any GastroNom housing.


Microwave safe


They are NSF certified and therefore included in the NSF product lists.

ItemColorsEAN CodeProduct dimensions in mm. LxWxHBox dimensions in mm. LxWxHUnits per boxBoxes per layerEURO 80x120x120EURO 80x120x240Capacity in liters

ItemColorsEAN CodeProduct dimensions in inch LxWxHBox dimensions in inch. LxWxHUnits per boxBoxes per layerEURO 80x120x120EURO 80x120x240Capacity Oz.
84117770979887x6 3/8x613x7 1/4x9 7/166143367562.2
84117770979717x6 3/8x413x7 1/4x7 1/46133908581.5
84117770979647x6 3/8x2 5/813x7 1/2x5 7/861458812601.05
841177709825120 3/4x12 3/4x6 21 1/4x13 3/4x13 5/8657214420.71
841177709819012 7/8x7x414 1/8x13 5/8x7 1/2661804323.9
841177709808412 7/8x7x2 5/814 1/8x13 1/4x6 1/4662165042.48
841177709818310 1/2x6 3/8x613 3/8x11 1/8x9 1/2681924323.91
841177709817610 1/2x6 3/8x413 3/8x11 1/8x7 1/2682405762.75
841177709816910 1/2x6 3/8x2 5/813 3/8x11 1/4x5 7/8683367201.69
841177709823712 7/8x10 1/2x613 3/8x11 1/8x13 5/8681442889.51
841177709822012 7/8x10 1/2x413x11 1/8x11 1/4681443366.3
841177709821312 7/8x10 1/2x2 5/813x11 1/8x10 1/8681924324.12
841177709831212 7/8x7x7 7/814 3/8x13 1/4x11 3/8661082527 qt
841177709820612 7/8x7x614 1/8x13 5/8x9 1/2661443245.7
841177709826820 7/8x12 7/8x2 5/821 1/4x13 1/4x8 7/865962408.82
841177709834312 7/8x10 1/2x7 7/813 1/4x11 1/8x15 3/46810827011.99
841177709835020 7/8x12 7/8x7 7/821 1/8x13 1/4x15 1/2654812027.58
841177709828220 7/8x12 7/8x621 1/4x13 1/4x13 3/8659018020.71
841177709827520 7/8x12 7/8x421 1/4x13 1/4x11 3/8687216813.7

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