How can we guarantee food safety in the foodservice industry?

Food hygiene and food safety is the number one priority in restaurants. Food intoxications, apart from affecting the health of diners, can also affect the prestige of a business and lead to serious financial loss and even legal problems.  For this reason it is of paramount importance to apply the principles of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP), a systematic preventive process to manage food risks and safety.

“ARAVEN places the focus on health and hygiene regulations for our peace of mind and that of our customers”

Food safety does not just depend on the state of the food and type of process it undergoes. The materials in contact with foodstuffs play a very important role. ARAVEN’s products, designed according to the CODEX Alimentarius, help you to apply Good Hygiene Practices.

In this post we are going to analyse the key aspects of preventing, reducing or eliminating potential risks during the handling, preservation and serving of food in the foodservice industry. The no. 1 priority is to reduce the risks of cross-contamination and limit the growth of bacteria that are common when handling and preserving fresh products such as meat and fish and during thawing processes when these are not carried out correctly.


Colour code. Classification by type of food

Identification by colours helps to prevent cross contamination, by ensuring that food kept in containers and handled on cutting boards is always of the same kind: poultry, red meats, vegetables/fruits or fish, dairy products, deli meats…


Identify food by recording details such as: the origin of the food, its preparation, preservation date, etc. The permanent label incorporated in ARAVEN’s food containers is the only integrated system that ensures Good Hygiene Practices. The integrated label leaves no remains and comes out of the dishwasher like new.


For handling tables, our food pans have the days of the week and hours engraved on their top edge so that the operator can see the food expiry day and time recorded during preparation.


Good practices in food storage rooms

In mixed food storage rooms establish different zones to organise foods separately; raw foods should be stored at the bottom part to prevent them from dripping onto prepared food and contaminating it. Remember that airtight containers must be used to preserve foods properly protected and identified and never placed directly on the floor

Do not exceed the capacity of the food storage room. Record the temperature to make sure it is operating correctly.


Thawing processes

Avoid thawing food its original packaging by using food pans with a drain tray or a perforated base to speed up thawing without the risk of bacterial growth. Defrost kits are the perfect ally to guarantee safety and hygiene in thawing processes.

Avoid handling foods directly with your hands

There are a multitude of utensils on the market to avoid having to handling food directly. Touching food with the hands is one of the most frequent sources of cross contamination. Scoops, bowls or grain dispensers are just some of the many products we can offer you.


Easy-to-clean design

Choose equipment made with non-porous materials and with an easy-to-clean design. ARAVEN’s products are designed with rounded rims that are easy to clean, no sharp edges or nooks where food remains can become lodged. All our products are dishwasher safe.


Protect food from ambient exposure

Keeping food covered until it is served protects it from any possible external contamination. The same goes for dining room utensils which should be covered when not in use. 5 compartments

Mantener cubiertos los alimentos hasta el momento de servicio los protege de posibles contaminaciones externas. Lo mismo debemos realizar con los utensilios de sala mientras no son utilizados. Example our 5-compartent food tray y cutlery-holder with cover



We hope that  you have found these recommendations on how to guarantee food safety in foodservice establishments useful. Remember that our team at ARAVEN is always available to answer any questions you may have and to help you equip your kitchen, ensuring total guarantees for health and hygiene.

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